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Health Services

Lindsey Wade, R.N., School Nurse

Middle School/High School 

683-3835, Ext. 1206

Mrs. Brooke

Wendy Brooke, R.N., School Nurse

Elementary School

683-5450, Ext. 1106

Mrs Pierson

             Kathrine Pierson, R.N., School Nurse

 Elementary School

683-5450, Ext. 1142

The school health office provides first aid and health care to over 1500 students, faculty, and staff. If your child is injured or becomes ill, they will be sent to the nurses' office. There are a few guidelines of which parents should be aware. 

Health update forms must be filled out completely and signed by parents/guardians before a student is treated through the health office. All students have been given a form to bring home. However, if you haven’t filled one out, please call the school, and we will send one home to you.

Students are sent home from school for three reasons: a) a fever of 100 or greater; b) vomiting, with or without fever; c) any condition we deem potentially contagious to other students (i.e., head lice or pinkeye). Other special circumstances can occur; in those cases, we will use nursing skills and judgment, as well as communicate with parents, to determine if your child needs to be sent home.

State health regulations dictate that students cannot attend school unless properly immunized and can provide satisfactory evidence of the immunization unless they are exempt. We will notify parents by mail if your child needs any immunizations. The health office will need a copy of proof that the vaccine was administered to update our records at school. Ten-year tetanus booster shots will be due around 8th grade sometime.

Please keep us updated on your address and phone number as they change and all emergency information, including your current doctor. If there are any changes to the emergency contact numbers, please send a note with your child to school. Also, inform us of any changes in your child’s health, i.e., serious injuries, surgeries, allergies, new diagnoses, medications taken routinely, or no longer medications.

We will assist in giving your child’s medication at school; however, it must be in the original container with doctor’s orders attached. Medications will not be issued from any other container. This permits you to deliver the medication to the Health Office and leave it until it is completed. The empty container will be returned to your child, eliminating breakage and forgotten dosages, which decrease the effectiveness of treatment and prevent sharing medications.

The school only has Tylenol, antacids, and first aid supplies. Please send cough drops and ChapStick for your child to keep on hand and use as needed. If your child may require other over-the-counter medications, such as for cold symptoms, you can send it with a note from the parent as to the reason for the medication and the time the medication is due. We will put the medicine in the cabinet with your child’s name on it and give it only to your child.